// nicotsou.com
Find what you love to do. Put your heart and soul in it. Make it your profession. You need a job that embodies who you are. Expose yourself to new ideas, learn new things, meet people who share the same passion, take more risks.
// world.hey.com
Most of these aren’t actually about writing code. For all engineers, technical skill is important. But also a given. The next level requires more people, organization, and communication skills. These books help maximize effectiveness.
// verica.io
Chaos Engineering is often characterized as breaking things in production. It's been a key element in digital transformation from the ground up for a number of companies. This post covers the basic things you need in place to be prepared for Chaos Engineering on your team.
// launchdarkly.com
Testing in production is not a substitute for quality assurance (QA). Instead, it is an extension of testing and QA control points into the most realistic environment possible—the real-world. Everyone is testing in production, some organizations admit and plan for it.
// cloudzero.com
This article looks at some of the AWS cost optimization tools offered by AWS and others. It also introduces the concept of cloud cost intelligence to help you connect costs to business metrics.
// lastweekinaws.com
Developers use VScode, a Microsoft product. They write code and then stuff into GitHub, a Microsoft product. If they can integrate “deploy to Azure” into this toolchain somewhere, then staying within the Microsoft ecosystem start to finish becomes a default that other cloud providers can’t touch.
// brianschrader.com
On Linux servers it can be incredibly difficult for any process to succeed if the disk is full. All of Brian Schrader's servers have an 8GB empty spacer.img file. In a moment of full-disk crisis he can simply delete it and buy himself some time to debug and fix the problem.
// danielbmarkham.com
Once the buzzword "microservices" became popular, the cycle of bullsh*t began. Now the term is so polluted, good luck trying to have a conversation about it. This article describes what's NOT and what are microservices.
// cloud.google.com
A table from Google which lists generally available Google Cloud services and maps them to similar offerings in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.