Issue #25 // April 30, 2021

The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering
Work on things that you care about; define goals for yourself; define productivity for yourself; establish routine and environment; take responsibility for your work; take responsibility for human connection; practice empathetic review; Have self-compassion; learn to say yes, no, and not anymore; and choose correct communication channels.
Lessons I learned from achieving a 99.99% platform uptime
99.995% uptime seemed like an achievement worth celebrating at Voice123 until they realized it a benchmark set with insufficient justification. The costs of the implementation were around 30 times the impact of having downtime!
Our Journey Towards Cloud Efficiency
The ability to instantly spin up compute and storage has enabled them to move quickly and meet the growing demands of their business. However, this can quickly be offset by cloud computing costs, unless the organizational capability to efficiently use these resources is developed.
How to Successfully Hand Over Systems
Having experienced not-so-successful handovers, Aleksandra Gavrilovska was inspired to create a guideline that will help other teams do handovers differently. The guideline not only documents what they did at SoundCloud, but also provides a template for other companies to use when faced with a similar scenario.
Annotating Kubernetes Services for Humans
As the number of services grows, developers start to specialize working with specific services. When it comes to troubleshooting, however, developers need to be able to find the source, understand the service and dependencies, and chat with the owning team for any service.
Azure DevOps – Convert Classic UI Pipelines to YAML Pipelines
This article shows how easy it is to convert a Classic UI Pipeline in Azure DevOps into YAML based pipelines without authoring them from scratch.
Heroku-Style Deployments with Docker and Git Tags
In this post, Ricardo Ander-Egg Aguilar explains a new deployment method he came up with to achieve the following requirements: simple, based on git tags, zero-downtime, and easy rollbacks.
Hunting Down the Stuck BGP Routes
BGP is the glue between all of the thousands of border routers that make up the internet. However routers don't always have up to date information.
Codecov Users Warned After Backdoor Discovered in DevOps Tool
Codecov users have been warned to take immediate action after the discovery of a credential-stealing backdoor that was active for three months.
The Top 3 Mistakes Companies Make with SLOs, SLAs, and SLIs
This article shows you how to avoid these mistakes: unnecessary SLOs; tracking vanity SLIs—instead of business goals; lack of visibility and ownership around SLOs.