Issue #34 // July 2, 2021

Ask HN: Best “I Brought Down Production” Story?
We've all done it. People on Hacker News share their best "and then I brought down production" story.
Software Architecture Books
A comprehensive list of books on Software Architecture.
Why Kubernetes is our Modern-Day COBOL
Today's infrastructure becomes tomorrow's legacy, but there are ways to build that avoid pitfalls.
Treat Kubernetes Clusters as Cattle, Not Pets
Kubernetes clusters along with all the tooling needed for operating a production grade service should be disposable just like its nodes and pods are disposable. This principle enables you to re-architect your whole infrastructure, solve a lot of your present problems and have a good sleep at night for your services’ full lifecycles.
Software Engineering Principles to Make Teams Better
// is a new site to make software engineering better by capturing best principles from the best in the world at what they do.
My Software Estimation Technique
Estimating a software project seems to always run up against Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law." Rather than give up, Jacob Kaplan-Moss explains what technique works for him.
Kubernetes a Black Hole of Unpredictable Spend
A report on Kubernetes expenditure from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) shows that costs are rising and companies struggle to predict them accurately.
The 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing
A list of 8 statements describing false assumptions that architects and developers involved with distributed systems might make. What these fallacies are, how they came to be, and how to navigate them in order to engineer dependable distributed systems.
The Slow Rise of Robots in the Data Center
Robots are coming for the data center, but don’t expect transformational change any time soon.
AWS Cloudwatch Monitoring & Alerts using Bash Scripts
A walk through a script that samples Cloudwatch data every 5 minutes for abnormal CPU usage and then sends an event to an SNS Topic. You can then subscribe to the SNS Topic via email, Slack, Squid Alerts, or any other notification medium.